The Brazilian left people in a hysterical conversionist outburst

As can be seen in the video below, by a militant Lula-PT activist, the left is in despair and in a persistent outburst of denial, inventing numbers so as not to have to admit its inevitable banishment from public life, purge from national politics and the imprisonment of the criminals who took Brazil by storm through a toga-style coup ordered by the toxic-metabolic psychotic, the corrupt, drunkard and illiterate known in criminal circles by the nickname Lula, a nickname that is quite appropriate for him, since squids are mollusks, animals that have a soft body and remnants of nervous tissue mixed with intestines.

Published on March 17, 2025

According to the political analyst in the video below, the demonstration on Copacabana Beach yesterday, March 16, 2025, was a blunder… A blunder with more than 400,000 people, according to OFFICIAL figures from the Rio de Janeiro Military Police? How many comatose amoebas can the tiny, useless and despicable corrupt Luiz Bebaço da Silva manage to put in a PUBLIC demonstration? NONE! Not even he can go, because if he goes to the streets, he runs a serious risk of being lynched by the people who no longer tolerate supporting bums and enriching corrupt people.

I am against the amnesty for these fabricated criminals of January 8, 2023, the day of national shame, because it is for criminals like Míriam Leitão, the mangy and rabid dog from Globo, driver and partner of the murderer Marighela (may Satan have him), Leonel Brizola (another one who is well embraced by the devil), Dilmanta Mandiocasseff, the Muié sapiens, bank robber, barracks, gun houses, kidnapper, etc, etc, etc, Zé psychopath Dirceu – the gigolo Pedro Caroço from Cruzeiro d’Oeste and a coward who never fought (he was my neighbor, I know the bisca), the murderer Franklin Martins, Zé snitch Genoínio, the cowardly Genoíno who when captured by the Army handed over all his guerrilla “comrades”, and who only returned to Brazil and to power thanks to law no. 6.683/79, sanctioned by Gen. João Figueiredo, otherwise they would all be rotting in jail or fugitives abroad, like the failed Caetano Velozzo, Chico Buarque and so many others who are not worth what they are and should not have returned to Brazil.

I am in favor of the summary annulment of all the acts of the psychopath in a robe with his interdiction and confinement in a mental hospital for manifest mental insanity.

If you think that there were only 18 thousand people as they “calculated” using farcical mathematics created to order by the desperate tyrants cornered by the stupid lulopeteists of USP, the decadent university that has been out of the ranking of the 500 largest universities in the world for over a decade due to the leftist militancy that destroys science and education, then see an ophthalmologist or a psychiatrist urgently.

The biggest culprit in all this is Bolsonaro himself, who, with his flaccid talk to lull the cattle (soft talk to put the cattle to sleep) about “playing within the four lines of the Constitution”, did not comply with it by crushing the coup d’état that the “friend of my father’s friend” from the spreadsheets of the Odebrecht bribery department gave when he opened the unconstitutional and criminal investigation into “fake news”, a crime that does not exist in our legal system, to silence the magazine Crusoé, which revealed his code name in the spreadsheets and made another, more serious revelation: that he was a gigolo at his wife’s law firm, receiving a monthly allowance of R$100,000.00 at the time.

By shielding the notorious legal illiterate and notable gigolo in a robe, it became clear that there are more people in the supreme house of horrors and legal tolerance of Brazil who also do the same, that is, receive monthly allowances from the law firms of relatives, friends, and cronies.

This country with such imbecile people who are parasites of the taxpayer is nothing but disgusting and repulsive. It will never be a power, but merely a colony inhabited by comatose amoebas who work themselves to death to support a class of corrupt and criminal people who call themselves “defenders of democracy”… Only if it is their democracy.

The corrupt and parasitic left is left with only the “jus sperneandi” or right to kick up a fuss.

I can only imagine when the plea bargain of Gen. Hugo Carvajal, nicknamed “El Poio Carvajal” or “The Chicken Carvajal”, is released by the press in the four corners of the globe. I want to see the desperate excuse that the Lula-PT sewer will try to come up with for what is already known to have happened and how they will try to save the filthy faces of those involved.


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