Chamber of Deputies debates the end of the Single Legal Regime of public servants

The Single Legal Regime (RJU), established by Law No. 8.112 of December 12, 1990, presents itself as a contradiction, being “single” only in its denomination.

Each of the rotten powers of the Federative Republic of Brazil established distinct career plans, shaped by their needs, political conveniences and, mainly, by the financial interests and greed of their members.

In the executive branch, each ministry has its own career plan, which completely distorts the Single Legal Regime (RJU). An example of this is the Job Classification Plan for Administrative Technicians in Education (PCCTAE), which governs the employees of the Ministry of Education. These employees, despite having the highest academic qualifications and technical training, receive the lowest salaries among all three branches, being the favelados of the Federal Public Service.

A public servant of level E (higher education), at the end of their career, with a master’s and doctorate, and who works in public federal universities and university hospitals, making teaching and scientific research actually happen, receives a maximum of approximately R$ 16,000.00 monthly salary. However, a mid-level court official, with only a high school diploma, can receive more than R$ 20,000.00 between salaries, benefits and perks instituted to politically and ideologically control them, without contributing to the progress, science and development of the nation and humanity.


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