The headline is:
Undocumented commands are found in chips in billions of devices
The purpose of these “secret” commands is clearly to enable espionage and control of devices by the Chinese communists, who live by pirating other people’s projects to boost their industry and pave the way for a supposed global economic dominance, based on a supposed technological predominance built upon stolen projects from others.
A communist regime that subjects your citizens to working conditions analogous to slavery, forcing them to work for meager wages for multinational companies that enrich the leaders of the communist party, who enjoy a luxurious life at the expense of the people’s suffering?
China, following the example of the extinct Soviet Union, improperly appropriates technological plans and projects from other nations, a practice on which it depends for its subsistence. Who is not familiar with the story of the Konkordsky, the nickname given to the Tupolev TU 144, a Soviet supersonic aircraft built based on the stolen design of the Airbus Concorde? Even popular tales narrate the incident in which the president of Tupolev was detained in a Parisian restaurant carrying a briefcase containing blueprints and designs of the Concorde.
By attracting factories of global multinationals, offering exploitable labor at low cost and practicing reduced taxes, China aimed to gain access to the industrial projects of these companies. This strategy resulted in the launch by a Chinese state-owned enterprise of a regional aircraft copied from a model that Embraer produced in Chinese territory.
Recently, China announced the creation of a quantum processor with processing capacity quadrillions of times greater than the most advanced supercomputers. The fundamental question then arises: from whom was the project plagiarized? Read more here